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Soldering Instructions - V1¤

Version from 2021

How to Proceed¤

  • Always solder only one level at a time.
  • Take one component from the holder, solder it, and only after that take another one. (They are easy to mixup.)
  • Once you have soldered everything, glue a padding underneath the USB connector.

Important Information

  • Start by soldering the integrated circuit. As last solder the LED.
    • Be mindful of the orientation of the integrated circuit. If you're unsure, ask the instructor.
  • Polarity usually matters with LEDs. However, on this board, you don't have to worry about polarity; the circuit is designed to be polarity-agnostic.

Work Safety

  • The tip of the soldering iron is hot (~300 °C).
  • Always place the soldering iron back in its stand.
  • Keep your workspace tidy.
  • If you get burned, go and cool the burned area with water (do not use ice). Don't rub anything on the burned area.



Attention, the polarity of the 4.7u capacitor matters. The capacitor's label must point outwards from the board. Ask the instructor if you're unsure.

L1 - THT¤


Attention, the polarity of the 4.7u capacitor matters. The capacitor's label must point outwards from the board (opposite to L0). Ask the instructor if you're unsure.

L2 - 1206¤

L3 - 0603¤

L4 - 0402¤

L5 - BGA + 0201¤

Last update: July 6, 2024