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Soldering Instructions - V2¤

Version from 2023

How to Proceed¤

  • Always solder only one level at a time.
  • Take one component from the holder, solder it, and only after that take another one. (They are easy to mixup.)
  • Once you have soldered everything, glue a padding underneath the USB connector.

Important Information

  • Start by soldering the integrated circuit. As last solder the LED.
    • Be mindful of the orientation of the integrated circuit. If you're unsure, ask the instructor.
  • Polarity usually matters with LEDs. However, on this board, you don't have to worry about polarity; the circuit is designed to be polarity-agnostic.

Work Safety

  • The tip of the soldering iron is hot (~300 °C).
  • Always place the soldering iron back in its stand.
  • Keep your workspace tidy.
  • If you get burned, go and cool the burned area with water (do not use ice). Don't rub anything on the burned area.

L1 - THT¤

L2 - 1206¤

Note that L2 has the same resistors R2 and R3. R1 is different here

L3 - 0603¤

Last update: July 6, 2024