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Who is behind it¤

Robotárna is a unique mix of a tech lab and a place of technical education. We deeply care about exposing our students to engineering principles and building mental frameworks of technical thinking and communication.

We believe that great results can only be achieved by working at multiple levels of abstraction. Our projects contain custom mechanical parts, electronics, firmware, software and ideas, yet the designs are approachable by the students. The mission is making kids hungry for more understanding by exposing them to capable systems they can grasp.

Each year we organize a summer camp with engaging activities and develop physical device kits to be assembled, soldered and programmed. During the school year students can attend hobby groups covering modeling, electronics, mechanical engineering and programming. We are convinced that our activities are important in complementing the formal education system and expanding the possibilities of learning.

Our Team¤

Photo of Renata Zemanová

Renata Zemanová

Jakub Andrýsek

Photo of Jakub Andrýsek

Photo of Tomáš Vavrinec

Tomáš Vavrinec


Last update: July 6, 2024